Pick The Darned Apple – MKMMA Week 17


Let me tell you a story…

farmers pick rocks.jpgThere were once two farmers working together in a field. The sun beat down on them as they toiled away clearing rocks. With so much work to be done before the field could be planted they were putting in long hours. By mid-afternoon one of the farmers had become quite famished. He stood up and stretched his back then said to the other man, “My lunch is long gone and I’m so hungry. I’m sure that you must be also. I know of an apple tree that grows in the next field. Why don’t I go and get us some apples. We can have a snack and then finish our work.”

Also very hungry the second farmer agreed. Some food and a break was going to be most welcome. “I’ll stay here and keep working.” he replied.  “Once you get the apples you come on back and we can have a break.”

The first farmer agreed so he set off, hiking across the field towards the promise of the prized reward. The second farmer continued working. The sun beat down and his hunger grew more and more with the passing time. He checked his watch and was baffled at what could be taking his partner so long. Finally, he set off towards the apple tree himself to find the cause of the delay.

When he could see the tree he started to get angry. Here his partner had been simply standing under the tree while he had been working all by himself. “I’ve been slaving away while you’ve been simply standing here?” he snapped. “What have you been doing for all of this time?”, the second farmer demanded. The first farmer looked at him and simply replied, “I’ve been waiting for the fruit to drop.”

So where did our farmer go wrong? He knew what he wanted. He had a burning desire. He formed a plan. His mission included service to others. He even went to the source that could supply his need. What could possibly be missing? What was missing was action.

Vision.jpgI have a vision for the future. It is so real that I can almost taste it. Without action, though, a vision is all it would ever be. As the Japanese proverb says, “A vision without action is a daydream.” A video that I saw from Derek Atchley this week discussed this very concept.

You see, we can wish for something all day long but in the absence of action wishing just doesn’t make it so. If desire alone was enough then every kid would have an ice cream cone and every little girl would have a pony. Desire is useful to the extent that it prompts us to action so that the elements of our dream can be drawn forth into reality. At some point, the rubber needs to hit the road.

This is the part that seems to get overlooked so often but Haanel is very clear. In the introduction of Part 10 of the Master Key System he states, “…nothing happens without a definite cause.” He puts the message even more plainly in paragraph 25 when he says,

“Knowledge will not apply itself. You must make the application. Abundance will not come to you out of the sky, neither will it drop into you lap…”

This is not to say that we can explain every effect… Sometimes the power of thought can make an outcome seem almost magical. Somewhere, however, there must be a definite cause.

There is an old saying… Ready, Aim, Fire! Ready is about preparing for action. Ready is the phase where we sit, we think, we build our mindset and our habits and we cultivate the world within. Aim is the phase where we set our sights on our target by crafting our DMP. We decide what we want and create a plan of action to achieve it… Finally comes the third phase… Fire! It is time to act! It is time to charge forward and do the work.

It can be tempting to skip a step. It can also be tempting to stay too long on a step as in the case of paralysis by analysis; “Ready, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim…”. Our success, though, hinges on our having the courage and faith and confidence to actually pull the trigger. The apple won’t fall into our laps… the world that we create within must express itself through action.

I am ready. I have prepared. I have taken aim for my definite purpose. I pull the trigger. “Do the work!” has been added as one of my daily autosuggestions. I am ready to reach out and pick the darned apple. If you haven’t already done so for yourself I hope that you will join me in the next phase of this incredible journey. Let’s not just stand around waiting for the fruit to drop.



99 thoughts on “Pick The Darned Apple – MKMMA Week 17

  1. MasterKeyNatalieZ

    Daniel, amazing post – loved that you linked to Derek’s video – reminds me of the Steve Harvey video that I saw this week – Jump. I will apply what I’ve learned … I’ll have to Jump to Pick the Apple or climb the tree, pick the apple, then jump – thank you for the light you shine 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Daniel Hanscom Post author

      Thanks, Natalie! I appreciate your stopping by and commenting. Derek’s post was on Facebook. Great video on his profile if you wanted to check it. As long as you’re jumping and acting, it’s all good! Thanks again.


  2. patsrick1943

    Great story about the two farmers. How often do we line everything up and wait for the fruit to drop? We get an impression to do something. You know, intuition, hunch, something told me, etc. Picking the apple would be doing what He told us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Daniel Hanscom Post author

      That’s a really good point. Sometimes we can be more diligent with the preparation than with actually pulling the trigger and persisting. Thanks for that input! I appreciate it.


  3. mkmmaasambush

    Another great post with such creatively shown insights! Thank you for sharing – and it’s so true about the “Ready, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim…” – I see it with myself sometimes, so thank you for addressing that!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Daniel Hanscom Post author

      Thanks for commenting, Sam. I’m a white on the color code test… We love aim, aim, aim, aim, aiming so I just had to put that in there. Eventually you’ve just got to pull the trigger. Thanks again for the input.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Daniel Hanscom Post author

      Thanks, Dave. It’s my pleasure to be a part of the class! We’ve got an awesome group, amazing guides and material to fascinate us for the rest of our lives as we take control of our own lives. What’s not to love? Thanks again.


    1. Daniel Hanscom Post author

      Thank you for the kind feedback, Chris. So glad that you enjoyed it and I hope that you enjoy some of the other posts. As a lover of stories and analogies we’re painted with the same brush! Thanks again for stopping by.


    1. Daniel Hanscom Post author

      Thanks, Ryan, for the feedback. “Paralysis by analysis” is a state well known to those of us who are white on the color code. Glad that you never had to deal with that hurdle, my friend. Thanks again for commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. masterkeyday

    Super inspirational, Daniel. I needed this kick in the butt this week. Thanks so much. And congrats on the shout-out on the webinar. I’ve known you rock for weeks now. So thrilled to have you as a partner on this journey!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Daniel Hanscom Post author

      Thanks for that, Day. So glad that the post came at just the right time to give you a kick in the butt. 🙂 It’s my privilege to be a part of the class with so many people contributing in so many different ways. Inspiring!


    1. Daniel Hanscom Post author

      Both Haanel and Hill are very clear that ACTION is required. All of our work on the world within does indeed factor in by helping us to take the best action, though, since we are in harmony. Sometimes results come from where we would never expect it but if you trace it back you will find a cause, an act, that did set things in motion. Thanks for commenting. Glad that you enjoyed the post.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. masterkeybrony

        Absolutely! I’m finding exactly that. I’ve been asking for answers… then actioning it by interacting with people… and somehow out of the blue the answer comes! I just love it! I thought they would come in the sit…. but they seem to come whilst interacting in person or on line with people whilst masterminding. Cool stuff!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Daniel Hanscom Post author

        That’s so awesome! Receiving the answer started in the sit and in preparing the world within. We then launch out, different than we were before; in harmony. The answers then seem to appear as if by magic but the cause is still there. I LOVE this. So cool of you to share.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Daniel Hanscom Post author

      Yes, ready and aim can both be long processes depending on what is needed. They cannot be neglected but they should not be indulged excessively either. Frustration isn’t a bad thing… Just means that you know things can be different and they aren’t… YET. Action will be what makes the difference. Thanks for stopping by and comminting.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Looking Back – MKMMA Week 23 | LivingTheMasterKey

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